Knee problems
I am 47 years old, and I have been having knee problems since I was 17 years old. I have bilateral knee pain, but my left knee is worse due to a sports injury that happened ten years ago. My orthopaedic doctor told me that I might need knee replacement surgery in the future.
I have had constant knee pain for more than a year now, with ups and downs. I sought out Eva's help to reduce my pain. I could not climb stairs with alternating steps; standing up from sitting caused pain, and bending and straightening my knees was difficult. Turning in bed was so difficult and painful that I had to help with my hands to move my legs. Putting on pants in a standing position was extremely hard, and squatting was impossible for the past 20 years!
After a thorough examination, Eva started treatment at the first visit. I have had six sessions so far, and I continue to go 1x/week. Since beginning therapy, my pain is almost gone; on a scale of 0-10, my pain has decreased from 7-8 to a 1-2, with:
- Bending / straightening my knees
- Sit to stand transfer
- Turning in bed
- Putting on cloth in standing.
After 20 years, I did a squat even though I still needed to hold on to furniture! Now we are working on climbing stairs, so I can use alternate stepping and to further decrease my knee pain.
I highly recommend this therapy for anybody struggling with similar knee problems who think they have to live the rest of their life with this pain.
You don't have to! Come and try it!
Beata, a thrilled patient